FlatFilers / Guides

Flatfile's Documentation
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feat: Replace Deprecated upload:completed Event #1155

Closed ncronquist closed 2 weeks ago

ncronquist commented 2 weeks ago
coderabbitai[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


The primary change involves updating the event listener in the flatfileEventListener function to listen for the "file:created" event instead of the "upload:completed" event. This adjustment affects how and when the listener triggers, ensuring it responds to the creation of a file rather than the completion of an upload. This change is applied across multiple documentation snippets.


Files Change Summary
_snippets/guides/documents/document-actions.mdx, _snippets/guides/guest_sidebar/block1.mdx Updated flatfileEventListener to listen to "file:created" instead of "upload:completed".

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant EventSource
    participant flatfileEventListener

    User->>EventSource: Upload file
    EventSource->>flatfileEventListener: Trigger "file:created" event
    flatfileEventListener->>EventSource: Process file creation

Recent review details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI** **Review profile: CHILL**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 688b94908088289310c53ecb1904a784e7cdac2c and e3b19bcc44909aa2cbbd8e6ad715111a66ff99aa.
Files selected for processing (2) * _snippets/guides/documents/document-actions.mdx (2 hunks) * _snippets/guides/guest_sidebar/block1.mdx (2 hunks)
Additional context used
[formatting] ~17-~17: Did you mean “?” (MULTIPLE_PUNCTATION_MARKS_1) Context: ... console.log(updateSpace.data.metadata?.sidebarConfig); // Additional co...
Additional comments not posted (4)
_snippets/guides/guest_sidebar/block1.mdx (2)
`7-7`: The event listener update from "upload:completed" to "file:created" is correctly implemented. --- `34-34`: The TypeScript event listener update is correctly implemented and type-safe.
_snippets/guides/documents/document-actions.mdx (2)
`7-7`: The JavaScript implementation of the event listener for "file:created" is correct and integrates well with the API. --- `40-40`: The TypeScript implementation of the event listener for "file:created" is correct, type-safe, and well-integrated with the API.
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