Overall a good solution, good job! I think you have found a good algorithm for the problem.
Good results and a very fast solution. I am impressed that you managed to compute for N=100000.
Typo: "#converte genome into a singol list".
It is good that you have the powerpoint but your algorithm could be described in the same way in the readme as well.
Choose one naming convention, you have one function called "gen2List(genome)" and another called "one_cut_cross_over". I would suggest changing the first one to "genome_to_list(genome)".
In the uniform_cross_over() - what is the genoma? Is it the same as the genome?
Overall - clean the code from unnecessary typos and comments like #print(), etc.
I read Leonor Gomez peer review and would agree with her that it would be interesting to see if the result would change by using both crossovers according to a probability.
Overall a good solution, good job! I think you have found a good algorithm for the problem.