FlaxEngine / FlaxEngine

Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine
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[Proposal] Make curves an asset just like materials etc. #2544

Closed xxSeys1 closed 15 minutes ago

xxSeys1 commented 2 weeks ago

Issue description:

Unreal allows (forces) you to create a new curve asset when wanting to use a curve. This asset can be edited in a separate editor called the curve editor.

I think this is a better approach than having the curve in the properties panel, because it allows you to re- use a curve. Also right now a curve gets lost when applying a script with a curve to a new actor.

This would also be a great moment to implement #1029.

Also now is prolly the best time to discuss this because of a lot of stuff in #2455 (planned for 1.9) would have to be done (a bit) differently if this is implemented.

Steps to reproduce:


Minimal reproduction project:


Flax version:


MrCapy0 commented 2 weeks ago

I don't like "force" to create an asset. I like the original idea of use curves on any place like Unity or the current curve of Flax. You can create a JsonAsset with reusable data (and curves) if you want.

xxSeys1 commented 15 minutes ago

Ok I tried json assets and that's exactly what I wanted, gonna close this.