FlaxEngine / FlaxEngine

Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine
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Broken item list display #2609

Open cNori opened 2 weeks ago

cNori commented 2 weeks ago

Issue description: image

Steps to reproduce: create script add a filed

    public struct Potato
        public enum PoatatoType
        public int LestTestThis;
    public List<Potato> m_PotatoList;

Flax version: https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/commit/6a883bc7c6d5396ef8061e018d8a2ee8e0fe589d

Menotdan commented 2 weeks ago

Does it still break if you remove the enum declaration? The enum declaration seems out of place.

cNori commented 2 weeks ago

Does it still break if you remove the enum declaration?


Tryibion commented 2 weeks ago

This and https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/issues/2530 stem from the same issue. There is something not working with when the code tries to reuse a properties list. It is like the control child index that the labels tries to use is off/does not get assigned correctly.