Flaxbeard / ImmersivePetroleum

Oil and oil processing for Immersive Engineering
54 stars 58 forks source link

Use specific Biome-Names / Biome-IDs instead of Biome-Tags in the Config #236

Closed Xanton19 closed 3 years ago

Xanton19 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, first of all, thank you very much for the awesome mod!

I am currently using the 1.12.2 version of Immersive Petroleum and have been trying to get the oil reservoirs to spawn in a specific biome (e.g. the Buildcraft "desert oilfield" and the "ocean oilfield" biome) instead of a biome tag (e.g. "SANDY"), which applies it to all biomes with that tag.

The goal of using a specific Biome is to generate large uniform oilfields because the mod defaults to spawn reservoirs in a random pattern in isolated chunks.

This is how the config currently works, but it applies to all biomes with that tag, which is not the wanted result:

        # List of reservoir types. Format: name, fluid_name, min_mb_fluid, max_mb_fluid, mb_per_tick_replenish, weight, [dim_blacklist], [dim_whitelist], [biome_dict_blacklist], [biome_dict_whitelist]
        S:reservoirs <
            Desert_Oil_Field, oil, 2500000, 15000000, 6, 100, [1], [], [], [SANDY]
            Ocean_Oil_Field, oil, 2500000, 15000000, 6, 100, [1], [], [], [OCEAN]

This is how the imagined the config could be, either with Biome-IDs or Biome-Names as shown here:

        # List of reservoir types. Format: name, fluid_name, min_mb_fluid, max_mb_fluid, mb_per_tick_replenish, weight, [dim_blacklist], [dim_whitelist], [biome_dict_blacklist], [biome_dict_whitelist]
        S:reservoirs <
            Desert_Oil_Field, oil, 2500000, 15000000, 6, 100, [1], [], [], [buildcraftenergy:oil_desert]
            Ocean_Oil_Field, oil, 2500000, 15000000, 6, 100, [1], [], [], [buildcraftenergy:oil_ocean]

Is there an option in the config or Crafttweaker to use Biome-Names or Biome-Ids? If not, can it be implemented? A reply would be greatly appreciated, have a nice day!


Xanton19 commented 3 years ago

Nevermind, I have found a workaround around this by using BiomeTweaker by assigning a custom Biome-Tag to those Buildcraft Oil Biomes. Here is my BiomeTweaker script for someone interested:

Oil = forBiomes("buildcraftenergy:oil_desert", "buildcraftenergy:oil_ocean")

And here is the Immersive Petroleum Config:

        # List of reservoir types. Format: name, fluid_name, min_mb_fluid, max_mb_fluid, mb_per_tick_replenish, weight, [dim_blacklist], [dim_whitelist], [biome_dict_blacklist], [biome_dict_whitelist]
        S:reservoirs <
            oil, oil, 2500000, 15000000, 60, 100, [1], [], [], [OIL]