Flaxoos / extra-ktor-plugins

Feature-rich, efficient, and highly customizable plugins for your Multiplatform Ktor Server or Client
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Mongo #54

Open KamilNadlonek-TomTom opened 1 week ago

KamilNadlonek-TomTom commented 1 week ago

Hi I am using MongoDBLockManager and I have problem when I want add second task with the same concurrency. Could you explain why you do not allow the creation of two tasks with the same concurrency but with different names?

When I debug code I found error message:

Write operation error on server localhost:27017. Write error: WriteError{code=11000, message='E11000 duplicate key error collection: archiver.TASK_LOCKS index: name_text_concurrencyIndex_1 dup key: { _fts: "archiv", _ftsx: 0.625, concurrencyIndex: 1 }', details={}}.