Fleker / CumulusTV

Android TV Live Channel Plugin with user-entered stream files
MIT License
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EPG issues #280

Open liquid64 opened 7 years ago

liquid64 commented 7 years ago

I've been working on taking the output from ZAP2XML and making it CumulusTV friendly, by way of a set of perl scripts. To test with, I've been using Bloomberg TV, and have extracted and parsed the XML as best as I can, following your example XML in the docs. The link below are the results: https://pastebin.com/raw/gsBFE5GB

My JSON is pretty simple: https://pastebin.com/raw/qhX7SeKE

It crashes every time I open cumulus, forcing me to clear data. Can you tell what is wrong with the XML? I have sent in a feedback report, just a few minutes ago, if that's helpful.

liquid64 commented 7 years ago

Ok, Using ADB, I've figured out that the "channel" tag cannot be null, so I added that back in. Now, the channel plays, but I only show the current playing program EPG (in live channels). There isn't any guide data 30 min, one hour, or two hours away (Etc). Here is my current XML I'm auto-generating. https://pastebin.com/raw/jsrppjxV

Fleker commented 7 years ago

Good to hear you figured out some of the issues. Should I make the parsing errors more clear?

For the time issue, it could be a logic error in how many programs ahead it sets in the DB. Might require more investigating.

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017, 5:44 PM liquid64 notifications@github.com wrote:

Ok, Using ADB, I've figured out that the "channel" tag cannot be null, so I added that back in. Now, the channel plays, but I only show the current playing program EPG (in live channels). There isn't any guide data 30 min, one hour, or two hours away (Etc). Here is my current XML I'm auto-generating. https://pastebin.com/raw/jsrppjxV

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liquid64 commented 7 years ago

I guess I never think to check the logcat, so as long I can read it, and figure it out, I should be OK. I'm still not seeing the extended guide show up. I checked it this morning, and it shows what's playing right now, along with 2 other programs (total of 3 programs), but still nothing beyond that (my XML has 7 days of content in it, although I don't think Live Channels can use all 7 days).