Fleker / CumulusTV

Android TV Live Channel Plugin with user-entered stream files
MIT License
185 stars 72 forks source link

EPG Code #290

Open luisrcastillo opened 6 years ago

luisrcastillo commented 6 years ago


First of all, great job on this great app!

I'm trying to look at the code to see if I could figure out a way to parse a "global" EPG file rather than tagging each channel with epgUrl. As a test, I'm trying to understand how this works so I have a sample XML epg and I tagged a channel with it and in the log I see that it is being passed. However, there's a variable in the CumulusJobService called epgData that is being verified but it is empty. This variable is declared but I don't see where the value is being added so no EPG gets loaded ever.

Can you shed some light on how this works and what the correct way and place to set the value to epgData? I know it's a HashMap expecting <epgUrl, CumulusXmlParser.TvListing>. I guess I'm trying to find how to get the value for CumulusXmlParser.TvListing.

Thank you!

Fleker commented 6 years ago

Right now there's no good way to parse a global EPG file. The data structures are pretty wonky.