FleksySDK / VirtualKeyboardSDK

The simplest, fastest and most reliable way to create a virtual keyboard 💁 . (iOS and Android)
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[External] -[UIInputViewController needsInputModeSwitchKey] was called before a connection was established to the host application. This will produce an inaccurate result. Please make sure to call this after your primary view controller has been initialized. #42

Closed JainNkd closed 8 months ago

JainNkd commented 1 year ago

[External] -[UIInputViewController needsInputModeSwitchKey] was called before a connection was established to the host application. This will produce an inaccurate result. Please make sure to call this after your primary view controller has been initialized.

This issue appears after integration of https://github.com/FleksySDK/fleksy/tree/open-frame-example/examples in iOS

This message prints in debug logs and the keyboard crashes.

xevifar commented 1 year ago

Hi @JainNkd ,

Thank you for the reporting. We have updated the example that you mention removing a call not needed (needsInputModeSwitchKey), though, we were not able to reproduce the crash that you might experience.

It would be helpful to understand a bit more:

Thank you,

JainNkd commented 1 year ago

Does it happen all the time ? It crashes while debugging ? (YES) iOS version that you are using ? (16.4) Simulator or real device and model if possible. (BOTH) Do you have the crash logs ? (NO)

xevifar commented 1 year ago

Does it happen all the time ? It crashes while debugging ? (YES) iOS version that you are using ? (16.4) Simulator or real device and model if possible. (BOTH) Do you have the crash logs ? (NO)

Hi @JainNkd ,

Thank you for the information provided @JainNkd , but without any more information it is really hard for us to understand which is your issue. So, we would need: crash logs or the example project that you were using for reproducing the crash ourselves.

Thank you,