FlexibleEngineCloud / terraform-flexibleengine-vpc

Terraform module which creates VPC resources on Flexible Engine
Apache License 2.0
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Issue when adding a new network in the snat-sunets list #2

Open sbernier-corp opened 3 years ago

sbernier-corp commented 3 years ago


After a first deployment, when you want to add a new network and add it to the snat-subnets you get the following issue ...

Error: Invalid index

on .terraform/modules/vpc/terraform-flexibleengine-vpc-2.0.0/main.tf line 70, in resource "flexibleengine_nat_snat_rule_v2" "snat": 70: network_id = data.flexibleengine_vpc_subnet_v1.snat_subnets[count.index].id |---------------- | count.index is 2 | data.flexibleengine_vpc_subnet_v1.snat_subnets is tuple with 2 elements

How to reproduce >

  1. Create a VPC with Nat gateaway and 1 network defined in the snat-subnets
  2. Add a new network and add it to the snat-subnets
  3. Try to create the infrastructure You should face the upper issue.

Expected behaviour: Network is added and network is defined as a Nat network.



vlandemaine-orange commented 3 years ago

The issue coming from the data part to retrieve the subnet name. We need to add a new boolean parameter inside the subnet object, in order to delete the data part. The SNAT rule resource will be created with a for each with a conditional testing.