FlexibleEngineCloud / terraform-provider-flexibleengine

Terraform flexibleengine provider
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ccev3: Empty attributes #115

Closed vladimirBraquet closed 5 years ago

vladimirBraquet commented 5 years ago

Terraform Version

terraform -v Terraform v0.11.7

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration Files

  name              = "backend"
  cluster_type      = "VirtualMachine"
  flavor_id         = "${var.cce_flavorId}"
  vpc_id            = "${var.vpcId}"
  subnet_id         = "${var.subnetId}"
  container_network_type  = "overlay_l2"
  cluster_version   = "v1.9.7-r1"

Expected Behavior

Based on the Flex Engine provider documentation, the following attributes must be filled

Actual Behavior

The previous fields are empty, see the following state

  id = 757270cd-256a-11e9-86b8-0255ac101b11
  billing_mode = 0
  cluster_type = VirtualMachine
  cluster_version = v1.9.7-r1
  container_network_cidr =
  container_network_type = overlay_l2
  description =
  external =
  external_otc =
  flavor_id = cce.s1.large
  highway_subnet_id =
  internal =
  name = backend
  region = eu-west-0
  status = Available
  subnet_id = fe1cb32a-e998-4675-b3fe-5eb2c21c4434
  vpc_id = f828fc31-0207-4244-87ce-5c1973a14d53
niuzhenguo commented 5 years ago

@vladimirBraquet thanks for raising this, will clean up the 3 empty attributes, since API doesn't response with those informations.