FlexibleEngineCloud / terraform-provider-flexibleengine

Terraform flexibleengine provider
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[Feature Request] Obtain Client IP Address on ELB Listener #609

Closed vlandemaine-orange closed 3 years ago

vlandemaine-orange commented 3 years ago


We have actually a need about the configuration of the X-Forwarded-For on an ELB Listener in order to retrieve the real IP address of the client on backend server.

Actually, we don't have any parameter in the Terraform resource flexibleengine_elb_listener to configure "Obtain Client IP Address" but this parameter is present on the Flexible Engine console when we create a ELB listener.

It is possible to add this parameter on the flexibleengine_elb_listener Terraform resource ?



ShiChangkuo commented 3 years ago

@vlandemaine-orange we should update API version to v3 to support this parameter.

can you install the TOA plug-in to obtain real IP addresses as a workaround? For details, see How Can I Obtain the IP Address of a Client?

Pseudodevincent commented 3 years ago

Hello @vlandemaine-orange @ShiChangkuo , TOA plug-in is not necessary anymore. Source IP transfer on L4 listeners can be enabled through the console and through API. When enabled, backend servers get client source IP instead of ELB source IP. On L7 listeners the X-Forwared-For is enabled by default. Anyway, the ELB Listener API which allows source IP on L4 listeners is V3. Terraform provider should use this new API version: https://docs.prod-cloud-ocb.orange-business.com/api/elb/elb_zq_jt-v3_0000.html

ShiChangkuo commented 3 years ago

I wil try to call the v3 API in the provider, and keep the resource name to flexibleengine_lb_listener_v2

Karreg commented 3 years ago


The same is needed here! Thanks!

vlandemaine-orange commented 2 years ago

Hi @ShiChangkuo,

It's possible to create a minor release to apply this changes in the provider ?
