This is a list of improvements that need to be made to the GCS/SDA systems to adapt them for the final iteration. This will also allow the eventual successor to the current SDA system to be adapted easily.
[x] Add the capability to reset initial coordinates without having to restart the GCS flask app
[x] Add the capability to download and update the waypoints automatically and dynamically
[ ] What do we do if a mission waypoint is inside of an obstacle? We should be able to pretty easily come up with an autonomous solution quite easily
[ ] Remove the necessity of using a path with 2 waypoints. This will allow us to create a more optimized avoidance path
@BrightStraightReality This is something that is on your to do list.
This is a list of improvements that need to be made to the GCS/SDA systems to adapt them for the final iteration. This will also allow the eventual successor to the current SDA system to be adapted easily.
@BrightStraightReality This is something that is on your to do list.