I am not sure if this is a known problem, but I could'n find anything similar. I hope someone can help me.
I am Using a BottomSheetFragment to show details from certain Object. But the thing is that in some cases I need to change the visibility of a few elements to "GONE", like there are things that need to be show when the Fragment is expanded or in peek state. But when is removed an element, the BottomSheetFragment expands. And in some times doesn't let me get dismiss the Fragment.
Hi All.
I am not sure if this is a known problem, but I could'n find anything similar. I hope someone can help me.
I am Using a BottomSheetFragment to show details from certain Object. But the thing is that in some cases I need to change the visibility of a few elements to "GONE", like there are things that need to be show when the Fragment is expanded or in peek state. But when is removed an element, the BottomSheetFragment expands. And in some times doesn't let me get dismiss the Fragment.
Thank you for your attention.