Flipkart / recyclerlistview

High performance listview for React Native and web!
Apache License 2.0
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can not hide the scroll bar #763

Open ahqrt opened 1 year ago

ahqrt commented 1 year ago

<RecyclerListView dataProvider={this.dataProviders1.cloneWithRows(this.state.userList)} disableRecycling enderAheadOffset={100} forceNonDeterministicRendering layoutProvider={this.layoutProvider} onEndReached={this.scrollLoad} onEndReachedThreshold={100} rowRenderer={this.createUse} scrollViewProps={{ showsVerticalScrollIndicator: false }} />

I have set the showsVerticalScrollIndicator to false, but it does not work. How could I do so that I can hide the scroll bar?.

zhangxiang1008 commented 1 year ago
