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BT: GPS data from Mobile Phone for Sub/Wardriving #474

Open geckom opened 7 months ago

geckom commented 7 months ago

Description of the feature you're suggesting.

Since board are being created withe GPS now, and the GPS can be fairly flaky. It would seem like a better option to use GeoLocation built into mobile phones.

Using something like GPS2IP Lite (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gps2ip-lite/id1562823492) you can get BluetoothLE to include "Location and Navigation" attributes on the property 0x2A67. This is pretty standardised and very easy to extract longitude and latitude from.

image Shows the Notify property which can be subscribed to using something like:

        uint8_t notification[2] = {0x01, 0x00};
        uint16_t uuid = 0x2a67;
        aci_gatt_write_char_desc(gap->service.connection_handle, uuid, 2, (uint8_t *) &notification[0]);

Then simply ingesting the GPS data as it is received. I have attempted to change the firmware but my C coding skills are very rusty.

Anything else?

No response

Willy-JL commented 6 months ago

interesting idea... if the characteristic is included it might be readable and doable on flipper side, hmmm

ALEEF02 commented 6 months ago

I've been looking at this personally on https://github.com/ALEEF02/GPS_Exchanger_Flipper and I would love to see more support on this.

geckom commented 5 months ago

For anyone wanting to wardrive with SubGhz, in the meantime I am using a mobile app which saves your location to a GPX record and then a quick python script to match it up with the .sub file's timestamp and injecting the lat/lon. More steps than it needs to be but is a reasonable bandaid solution.