Flipper-XFW / Xtreme-Firmware

The Dom amongst the Flipper Zero Firmware. Give your Flipper the power and freedom it is really craving. Let it show you its true form. Dont delay, switch to the one and only true Master today!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does this firmware work with cc1101 module? #586

Open galacticfr opened 2 months ago

galacticfr commented 2 months ago

Description of the feature you're suggesting.

I have been looking for the right information but I am still lost. I am new to this. How do I know if the cc1101 module is working after hooking it up to flipperzero with this firmware?

Anything else?

No response

WatskeBart commented 2 months ago

I have the external CC1101 booster from euerdesign, and it works with this firmware.

It detects the external module automatically.

galacticfr commented 2 months ago

I connected directly like this 216795805-93b9b2ee-085f-4f46-858c-2efcdfff2e2a How can I know if it's not working?

I have the external CC1101 booster from euerdesign, and it works with this firmware.

It detects the external module automatically.

hotdjdave commented 1 month ago

There used to be a setting under Sub-GHz > Radio Settings > Module which listed the selectable options "Internal" and "External." External was the way to enable an external antenna (or C1101 module) and, at least to me, ensured it was using the external antenna and not the internal one. Now, going here only shows "Internal" and no option to select "External." Why was this taken away?

There should be some indication on Flipper letting you know if the internal C1101 module is being use or an external one is used.