The Root page has content_type 1. The Peregrine: a blogging platform page has content_type 25 which corresponds to 25|wagtailcore|grouppagepermission in the latest install.
I am not sure which content_type was intended for that page. Based on the model it should be 1, but then the template is bare (uses core wagtail page template) looks like using peregrine.sitepage content type 13 works correctly.
The Root page has content_type 1. The Peregrine: a blogging platform page has content_type 25 which corresponds to 25|wagtailcore|grouppagepermission in the latest install.
I am not sure which content_type was intended for that page. Based on the model it should be 1, but then the template is bare (uses core wagtail page template) looks like using peregrine.sitepage content type 13 works correctly.