Flix01 / imgui

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Don't deserialize empty names as "\n". #37

Closed tom-seddon closed 6 years ago

tom-seddon commented 6 years ago

I assume this is a bug in the serializer? - anyway, I don't have a good way of testing anything other than the dock code, so I'm afraid I decided to go for the quick and dirty dock-specific fix here.



Flix01 commented 6 years ago

Merging for now, but I think I should investigate further to understand what's happening. Why did you need this fix?

Flix01 commented 6 years ago

OK, I understand now what you mean.

You mean: I save "" and I load back "\n".

I'll see what I can do...

Flix01 commented 6 years ago

It should work now. This is my test code, that I leave here for future reference (I put it at the start of my main(...) method):

    const char* fileName = "serializationTest.txt";
    struct Test {
        char *s1,*s2,*s3;
        int i;
        static char* Strdup(char *& dst,const char *str)  {
            Strdel(dst);if (!str) return dst;
            size_t len = strlen(str) + 1;
            dst = (char*) ImGui::MemAlloc(len);
            memcpy(dst, (const void*)str, len);
            return dst;
        static void Strdel(char*& str) {if (str) {ImGui::MemFree(str);str=NULL;}}
        Test(const char* str1=NULL,const char* str2=NULL,const char* str3=NULL,int num=0) : s1(NULL),s2(NULL),s3(NULL),i(num) {resetVariables(str1,str2,str3,num);}
        void resetVariables(const char* str1=NULL,const char* str2=NULL,const char* str3=NULL,int num=0) {Strdup(s1,str1);Strdup(s2,str2);Strdup(s3,str3);i=num;}
        ~Test() {Strdel(s1);Strdel(s2);Strdel(s3);}
        bool serialize(const char* filename) const {
            ImGuiHelper::Serializer s(filename);
            if (!s.isValid()) return false;
            bool rv = true;
            rv&=s.save(s3,"s3");    // Please note that here if for example s3==NULL, rv = false and s3 is not serialized at all
            return rv;
        static bool ParseCallback(ImGui::FieldType ft,int numArrayElements,void* pValue,const char* name,void* userPtr) {
            Test& t = *((Test*)userPtr);
            if      (strcmp(name,"s1")==0) Strdup(t.s1,(const char*)pValue);
            else if (strcmp(name,"s2")==0) Strdup(t.s2,(const char*)pValue);
            else if (strcmp(name,"s3")==0) Strdup(t.s3,(const char*)pValue);
            else if (strcmp(name,"i")==0)  {t.i = *((const int*)pValue);return true;}
            return false;
        bool deserialize(const char* filename) {
            ImGuiHelper::Deserializer d(filename);
            if (!d.isValid()) return false;
            return true;
        void display() const {
            printf("s1=\"%s\" (len=%lu)\n",s1 ? s1 : "NULL",s1 ? strlen(s1) : 0);
            printf("s2=\"%s\" (len=%lu)\n",s2 ? s2 : "NULL",s2 ? strlen(s2) : 0);
            printf("s3=\"%s\" (len=%lu)\n",s3 ? s3 : "NULL",s3 ? strlen(s3) : 0);
            printf("i =%d\n",i);

    Test test("","Test",NULL,3);    // Basically now s3 is NULL and it won't be serialized.

    return 0;   // This is just because I inject this code at the start of my main() function

Basically now empty strings should work, but NULL strings don't work (but they return false). Hope it's good enough, and I've not broken anything...