Flockingbird / roost

Proof of Concept for Eventsourced backend
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RFC Updates - Auto-update and getting notified about activity in your professional network. #22

Open berkes opened 3 years ago

berkes commented 3 years ago


When a contact changes important info on their profile (such as a bio), I must be notified. When a contact changes less important info on their profile (such as a resume entry, contact detail, aspiration or competences), my copy and search index must be updated without me being notified of this change.

When I am tagged, annotated, related or followed, I must be notified.

Basic example

As a member When a contact changes their bio Then I see that change in a "my updates" timeline So that I can see when someone changes primary information such as a job position.

As a member When another member follows, tags, annotates or relates me Then I see that event in a "my updates" timeline So that I can see when someone interacted with my profile.


See the figma scetches for more details


A lot of activity-pub "communication" is invisible and used to keep my contact list up-to-date. This should not lead to notifications that disturb, spam or otherwise pulling members into the app.

But some changes are important enough to warrant a notification. So that I can see the network is active and actively used. And so that I am kept aware of other people's tags and annotations on my profile.

Amount of Updates depend on the activity of my network and only indirectly on my own activity. This makes it a good feature to show that my network is active and that flockingbird is growing or evolving.

Detailed design



Including updates from other networks in the person's updates. E.g. when my contact has a (verified) mastodon-account in their contact details, we could include any new "toot" that person makes in "my updates". Making "my updates" a collective inbox of all (public) social activity my contact performs on various activitypub and non-activity-pub networks and services. This warrants its own RFC, though.

Allowing my contacts to actively write updates (toots, status-updates, stories etc) which then appear in "my updates". This adds a social-network feature that overlaps with existing networks. If considered, this warrants its own RFC.

Interaction with updates: boosts/re-post, replies, likes, etc. This is a per-update-type consideratioon and is to be discussed in their own RFCs: not all updates warrant "boosting/reposting" for example: it makes no sense to re-post a "X is following you", but someone adding a tag to your account "X tagged you as 'absolute expert in FizzBuzz'" may make sense.

Not offering "my updates" at all, but leaving those to e.g. mastodon to handle. This removes all visible "updates" features from flockingbird and instead offloads them to (one of) my existing mastodon/pleroma etc accounts instead. This simplifies the model somewhat, but since we need to update contact details and search indexes anyway, it does not remove the need for federation. It only removes the visibility of some updates.

Adoption strategy

It is a primary feature under a primary menu item on the primary menu.

How we teach this

By re-using familiar patterns from existing social media, we can leverage familiarity with existing social media to let people discover the feature. Updates, or "timelines" are common and well understood features.

Unresolved questions

See TBD under alternatives. Features to curb or silence push notifications. Should we send push notifications at all, or just present notifications on a users' profile. Should we email members when they have unread notifications?

Footnotes and references