Flockingbird / roost

Proof of Concept for Eventsourced backend
MIT License
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Write a ScraPy spider that fetches a tag (#vacancy, others?) and extracts toots/updates found for that tag. #41

Open berkes opened 3 years ago

berkes commented 3 years ago

Write a ScraPy spider that fetches a tag (#vacancy, others?) and extracts toots/updates found for that tag.


This spider should get a list of instances where it starts (seeds) and follow across instances to fetch toots/updates for a certain hashtag (e.g. #vacancy, #job etc.).


berkes commented 3 years ago

I've experimented with the mastodon API through elefren.

The preliminary result is a project called hunter2.

Usage: target/debug/hunter2 [options]

    -h, --help          print this help menu
    -r, --register      register hunter2 with your instance.
    -f, --follow        follow live updates.
    -p, --past          fetch past updates.

Using this, I've filled an initial MeiliSearch index. It now runs on (This will change, will go down, and will be replaced with a proper, https backed, domain-named, instance).
