FlominatorTM / wikiblame

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Uniformize files' EOL format to Unix LF #16

Closed vlakoff closed 6 years ago

vlakoff commented 6 years ago

Most importantly for "shared_inc/wiki_functions.inc.php" which was in "old Macintosh" CR format. (see the mess in GitHub's diffs for this file :p)

waldyrious commented 6 years ago

Nice :) Btw, using this diff link (with w=1) might be useful: https://github.com/FlominatorTM/wikiblame/pull/16/files?diff=split&w=1

FlominatorTM commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot. Any hint what I could do to prevent a mess like this in the future?

vlakoff commented 6 years ago

You should look into the Git core.autocrlf and core.eol global settings.

Personally, I'm on Windows but I work and commit in LF format, my .gitconfig contains:

    autocrlf = input
    eol = lf

Indeed, it's quite tricky to learn how to properly manage the line endings…

FlominatorTM commented 6 years ago

I changed it now, but I don't know how much of the sources I ruined again until now ...

For my further reference I save this link here: https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/