The website is deployed using Github pages. Before deploying on Github, it must be understood what are the capabilities and limits of Github pages. As it can take few minutes for a change on Github repository to be active, developing the website locally must be done. The local development must be deployed with minimal effort.
[x] Understand Github pages
[x] Choose method that allows "base template" used by all the website pages
[x] Choose method to use a single css file that defines styles for all pages
[x] Choose method that allows html pages file and their associated icons/photos... to be organised in different folder
[x] Understand how to develop locally the website and push into the repository
Add "_layouts" folder at the root and create "default.html" inside. In the html file define the template to be used for all pages
Add css file according to the following path: "/assets/css/style.css". This css file contains the different styles used for the website
Create additional markdown files to create new pages. It creates automatically a folder with the same markdown filename containing "index.html" built from "default.html", "style.css" and markdown. From markdown, modify the top lines between "---"
Base template should be defined in "_layouts" folder at the root with the name "default.html"
Each pages are created with a .md file. At the beginning of the file, between "---" on top and below, specify the layout and other parameters if necessary.
When running local server with Jekyll, the following errors appears when adding an images to the folder: jekyll 3.9.0 | Error: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - C:/Users/xxx/
C:/Ruby27-x64/lib/ruby/2.7.0/fileutils.rb:1415:in `initialize': Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - C:/Users/xxx/ (Errno::EACCES)
Instead of having images in the website folders, the images will come from different repo and link to the appropriate repo will be used
The website is deployed using Github pages. Before deploying on Github, it must be understood what are the capabilities and limits of Github pages. As it can take few minutes for a change on Github repository to be active, developing the website locally must be done. The local development must be deployed with minimal effort.