FlorianMichael / fabric-imgui-example-mod

Example Fabric mod which includes Dear ImGui
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Doing multiple imgui.begin() - can't interact with the second window? #6

Closed AwertaDreams closed 1 month ago

AwertaDreams commented 1 month ago

Hello. My first ImGui window stops being responsive after i open a new one via a imgui.checkbox.

public class ImGuiScreen {
    private static boolean drawMainMenu = false;
    private static boolean drawAutoEnchant = false;
    private static int[] intervalHolder = { (int) (CHECK_INTERVAL / 1000) };

    public static void drawHud(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter) {

        if (drawMainMenu) {
            ImGuiImpl.draw(io -> {
                ImGui.begin("EntityFix // 0.0.1 ");
                if (ImGui.beginTabBar("TabBar")) {
                    if (ImGui.beginTabItem("Entity Scan")) {
                        if (ImGui.sliderInt("Interval (in seconds)", intervalHolder, 1, 120)) {
                            CHECK_INTERVAL = intervalHolder[0] * 1000L;

                    if (ImGui.beginTabItem("Auto Enchanter")) {
                        if (ImGui.checkbox("open overlay", drawAutoEnchant)) {




        if (drawAutoEnchant) {
            ImGuiImpl.draw(io -> {

    public static void toggleMainMenu() {
        drawMainMenu = !drawMainMenu;


This is how i use a Mixin to render the ImGui

public class InGameHudMixin {
    private MinecraftClient client = MinecraftClient.getInstance();

    @Inject(method="renderStatusEffectOverlay", at=@At("RETURN"))
    private void onRenderStatusEffectsOverlay(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter, CallbackInfo ci) {
        drawHud(context, tickCounter);


FlorianMichael commented 1 month ago

You can only have one ImGuiImpl.draw() invoke at the same time, move both windows into the same call.

AwertaDreams commented 1 month ago

Oh, thank you haha