FlorianRhiem / pyGLFW

Python bindings for GLFW
MIT License
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Loading issues with the default bundled glfw3.dll on windows #23

Closed kohlmannmark closed 6 years ago

kohlmannmark commented 6 years ago

While using the package in an anaconda environment (pip installed the glfw package into anacona env), I ran into an issue where ctypes.CDLL wouldn't load the bundled dll.

Downloading the glfw3 official precompiled binaries and replacing the bundled binary with the 64 bit lib-vc2015 build (my system specifics) eventually solved the problem, but I'm raising the issue so that if others run into this kind of problem, they may have a shortcut.

Or maybe there's a convenient solution to this, I'm not sure :)

Thanks anyways!

FlorianRhiem commented 6 years ago

Hello @kohlmannmark, thank you for reporting this issue!

For 64bit I am using the VC 2012 build from the glfw3 precompiled binaries. If you don't have the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64)" installed on your system, that might cause the problem loading the library. Could you please check whether it's installed or not? If installed, you should find it in the list of "Apps & features" in the Windows 10 settings along with the other Visual C++ redistributables.

If this is the cause of this, I'm not sure what would be the best way to fix it:

Using the VC 2015 libraries and adding a note to the README sounds like an improvement, even if it isn't perfect, but if anyone has a better idea, let me know!

kohlmannmark commented 6 years ago

Hi @FlorianRhiem, I checked, and indeed my system was missing VC2012 (had 2010, 2013 and onwards, but not that specific build). I think the lack of people encountering this issue means that this is not a real problem right now, so maybe leaving everything as is, and mentioning this specific case in the readme would be a good enough solution for now.

FlorianRhiem commented 6 years ago

I've opened a PR and you can find the proposed README text here. Please let me know if the text would have solved/avoided the issue.

kohlmannmark commented 6 years ago

Thanks, it's perfect, this makes it all clear. From my part we can close this issue.

chris-stones commented 5 years ago

I see this issue is already Closed. But...
When re-distributing the runtime (Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64)) is not feasable, I believe it is common practice to compile with the '/MT' switch (rather than the default /MD).

If memory serves... In the Release configuration, change the setting at Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library. to Multi-threaded (/MT)

The final DLL will nolonger require any specific visual studio runtimes, At the cost of a slightly larger DLL. I would guess this is probably how the DLL's available on the main site are built ... But ive not checked.

Commenting because I also came across this issue.

FlorianRhiem commented 5 years ago

Hello Chris, I use the precompiled glfw3 binaries, I do not compile them myself. You could suggest setting this flag in the glfw repository.