FloridSleeves / LLMDebugger

LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step by Step
Apache License 2.0
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How to prompt #4

Closed ebudmada closed 4 months ago

ebudmada commented 6 months ago

Hello, thank you for your tool, very impressive. Running benchmark is not very usefull. Can you share the code how to prompt the llm and get the final response?

Thank you

FloridSleeves commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your interest in our work!

For how to debug programs other than benchmark programs, we have a demo. The demo code shows how to do this: code.

Here is the code we use to debug using API provided in LDB:

class PyGenerator:

ldb_debugldb_debug(self, prompt: str, prev_func_impl: str, failed_test: str, entry: str, model: ModelBase, prev_msg: List[Message], dataset_type: str = "", level: str = "block")
        prompt (str): Text description or the code to be translated.
        prev_func_impl (str): Implementation of the previous function.
        failed_test (str): One failed test.
        entry (str): Entry point where debugging is initiated.
        model (ModelBase): Model used for debugging. The values could be 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'StarCoder', 'CodeLlama'.
        prev_msg (List[Message]): Previous debugging messages and information.
        dataset_type (str, optional): Type of dataset being processed. The values could be 'HumanEval' for text-to-code tasks, and 'TransCoder' for C++-to-Python translation tasks.
        level (str, optional): Level of debugging to be performed. Default is "block". The values could be 'line', 'block', 'function'.

        func_sig: str,
        model: ModelBase,
        messages: List[Message],
        prev_func_impl: Optional[str] = None,
        failed_tests: Optional[str] = None,
        num_comps: int = 1,
        temperature: float = 0.0,
        dataset_type: str = "",
    ) -> Union[str, List[str]]

        func_sig (str): Signature of the function to be generated.
        model (ModelBase): Model used for code generation. Possible values: 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'StarCoder', 'CodeLlama'.
        messages (List[Message]): Debugging messages and information.
        prev_func_impl (str, optional): Implementation of the previous function.
        failed_tests (str, optional): A failed test (this arg is not used in this function).
        num_comps (int, optional): Number of completions to generate. Default is 1.
        temperature (float, optional): Sampling temperature for text generation. Default is 0.0.
        dataset_type (str, optional): Type of dataset being processed. Possible values: 'HumanEval' for text-to-code tasks, 'TransCoder' for C++-to-Python translation tasks. Default is an empty string.

        Union[str, List[str]]: Generated code or list of generated codes.

# One round debugging
gen = PyGenerator()
messages = gen.ldb_debug(prompt, code, test, entry_point, model, "", dataset_type, "block")
fixed_code, messages = gen.ldb_generate(
ebudmada commented 6 months ago

ok now i understand why you are using the answer to generate the result. It is not always possible to know the expected outcome of the code, but when it is, looks like a great idea. Nice work!