Floris497 / mac-pixel-clock-patch

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Fail on late 2013 iMac El Capitan 10.11.2? #27

Open RootlessAgrarian opened 8 years ago

RootlessAgrarian commented 8 years ago

Hi Floris... tried to send you email before I figured out how to start a ticket here, sorry about that. I am struggling with a LG 29 inch ultrawide monitor, 29UM57, HDMI in only. I used a Thunderbolt (mini DVI?) to HDMI cable and got a "squashed" image at 1080p, and had the usual trouble with OSX refusing to drive the display at any higher resolution. I then DL'd SwitchResX and tried to use this to set the monitor to 2560x1080 (which appeared to be what the monitor itself was expecting, per its popup message box).

No luck. I got the dreaded black screen. Then I googled a lot more and found your patch, which sounded hopeful. I tried applying v1. The patch appeared to succeed, but it said nothing about the NVIDIA graphics card (some of the online doco seemed to suggest its output should mention the NVIDIA driver). It did create the IOKit.bak file, but it didn't change the behaviour. I still got the black screen when trying to run the LG monitor at 2560x1080.

I rolled back to the saved IOkit.bak and then tried patch v2. V2 seemed unhappy because Xcode was missing and also did not recognize the version of IOKit (see below). I am now installing Xcode (preparatory to another attempt) but am not sure what to do about "Unknown version of IOKit found."

Unknown version of IOKit found..
---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: 10.11.2 build:15C50

xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app', requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools.
     otool IOKit: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
 otool IOKit.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)
           IOKit: a7afb2dd9df1e4c48f12b4b52f7da212
       IOKit.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)

---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------

I am not very knowledgeable about video drivers; I was expecting this display to "just work", like my Samsung widescreen display has worked for years with my MacBook Pro. I didn't realise that Apple had imposed this arbitrary limit on the rez of HDMI monitors. I am hoping I can work around it with your patch so I won't have wasted $380 (CAD) on this monitor! Others have succeeded using your patch so I am hoping you can help me. Many thanks. If you can give me a patch that works or help me to make one of the existing patches work, I will certainly send a paypal donation!

PS my NVIDIA card: GEForce GT 750M 1GB VRAM

RootlessAgrarian commented 8 years ago

I should note that with SwitchResX I can set up 21:9 (2560x1080) resolution for the LG screen, but the vertical refresh keeps defaulting to 46Hz when the monitor says it wants 60Hz. I can type in 60, but as soon as I hit OK the number reverts to 46.something. I'm assuming this is the "bug" (Apple's unfriendly limit) that your patch overcomes...? I was about to upgrade to 10.11.3 El Cap, should I hold off? is it easier to patch 10.11.2?

Floris497 commented 8 years ago

I just emailed you back :), I'll tell the same information here for people who look for the same answer later. Yes, just updated! And reverting to 46Hz is not a bug I have heard before.. Try hitting enter after adjusting that value.