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Identify better terminating 3 prong #40

Open Gautam2010 opened 3 months ago

Gautam2010 commented 3 months ago

Trying to identify terminating point of the fonts svg

getProngCount(cpNode) == 3 && isTerminating(cpNode) && !cpNode.isHoleClosing

With above I am getting some valid result but in some cases i.e "A" is not valid since red marked should not be considered as it is hole closing terminating point.


Is there a better way to find?

FlorisSteenkamp commented 3 months ago

What you're doing looks about right. I don't think I understand 100%; you're sure the red marked is hole closing? It looks much like the other blue circles to me.

I typically use the demo to identify special points. Could you explain why the red marked should not be considered terminating?

FlorisSteenkamp commented 3 months ago

Thinking a bit about it, do you mean because they're on a loop containing a hole closer? In that case it might be better to send me the letters so I can test it rather than thumb-sucking the correct code.

Also, are the two circles correct that is not strictly terminating, e.g. the top left circle on the F and the one on the G? There should be an easy way to eliminate them also if needed?

Gautam2010 commented 3 months ago


For instance, the character "A" should only have 2 terminating points, ignoring the red-marked points since they have no further prongs.


The examples for "F" and "H" work as expected, with proper identification of terminating points.

However, with the character "G", the red-marked points are incorrectly considered terminating points even though they have further branches. These should be ignored.


How can I correctly identify the terminating points without considering the red-marked points?

FlorisSteenkamp commented 3 months ago

Please send me the letters in any format (maybe by pasting the SVG in a comment) and I'll whip up something that might work. I'm still not 100% clear why the top left circle on the F should be considered terminating though as it's part of a path to the top right circle? I'm assuming you're using the SAT on these shapes as well?

Gautam2010 commented 3 months ago

Yes you are right even top left circle on the F should be considered terminating. Here is svg path of the fonts

M 68.07 -8.71 L 63.1 -8.71 L 63.1 -13.72 L 74.58 -13.72 L 74.58 -3.46 A 34.334 34.334 0 0 1 72.407 -2.083 Q 71.303 -1.444 70.299 -0.996 A 15.006 15.006 0 0 1 68.75 -0.4 A 15.927 15.927 0 0 1 66.193 0.178 Q 64.602 0.41 62.74 0.41 A 20.559 20.559 0 0 1 59.868 0.221 Q 58.381 0.011 57.148 -0.433 A 10.135 10.135 0 0 1 55.76 -1.05 A 9.977 9.977 0 0 1 51.664 -5.221 A 12.093 12.093 0 0 1 51.57 -5.4 A 13.401 13.401 0 0 1 50.235 -9.776 A 17.078 17.078 0 0 1 50.09 -12.03 A 16.113 16.113 0 0 1 50.446 -15.492 A 12.443 12.443 0 0 1 51.71 -18.88 Q 53.34 -21.79 56.47 -23.3 Q 58.91 -24.46 63.05 -24.46 A 35.43 35.43 0 0 1 65.135 -24.403 Q 67.066 -24.289 68.353 -23.945 A 7.69 7.69 0 0 1 69.01 -23.74 A 7.785 7.785 0 0 1 71.779 -22.042 A 7.57 7.57 0 0 1 72.29 -21.5 A 8.795 8.795 0 0 1 73.609 -19.417 A 11.839 11.839 0 0 1 74.25 -17.65 L 67.09 -16.37 Q 66.64 -17.74 65.58 -18.46 A 3.917 3.917 0 0 0 64.266 -19.03 Q 63.737 -19.157 63.121 -19.176 A 7.19 7.19 0 0 0 62.89 -19.18 A 5.693 5.693 0 0 0 61.096 -18.91 A 4.639 4.639 0 0 0 58.99 -17.48 A 5.146 5.146 0 0 0 58.085 -15.871 Q 57.54 -14.361 57.54 -12.11 A 16.465 16.465 0 0 0 57.644 -10.191 Q 57.885 -8.139 58.69 -6.945 A 4.078 4.078 0 0 0 59.01 -6.53 Q 60.47 -4.86 63.1 -4.86 A 7.798 7.798 0 0 0 65.462 -5.214 A 7.418 7.418 0 0 0 65.48 -5.22 A 9.077 9.077 0 0 0 66.374 -5.562 Q 67.158 -5.906 68.07 -6.45 L 68.07 -8.71 Z M 79.03 0 L 79.03 -24.05 L 86.46 -24.05 L 86.46 -15.64 L 94.58 -15.64 L 94.58 -24.05 L 102.05 -24.05 L 102.05 0 L 94.58 0 L 94.58 -9.73 L 86.46 -9.73 L 86.46 0 L 79.03 0 Z M 28.63 0 L 28.63 -24.05 L 47 -24.05 L 47 -18.88 L 36.09 -18.88 L 36.09 -14.68 L 45.41 -14.68 L 45.41 -9.83 L 36.09 -9.83 L 36.09 0 L 28.63 0 Z M 18.44 0 L 17.26 -3.97 L 8.79 -3.97 L 7.63 0 L 0.03 0 L 9.07 -24.05 L 17.18 -24.05 L 26.22 0 L 18.44 0 Z M 10.4 -9.17 L 15.7 -9.17 L 13.04 -17.82 L 10.4 -9.17 Z