[x] Make interactive pdf, so ToC on the side, and refs and ToC that actually link to place in document.
[x] Make a better looking title page (UPDATE: kinda done, but maybe photoshop all joint force diagrams in the figure, like in the image on your top left)
[x] Make page numbering correct at start of document
[x] Update images with Visualization Global cluster in action (if there are any), since Resultant visualization has changed
[x] Go through all LaTeX files and check for comments
[x] Proofread all
[x] Let somebody else proofread all(?)
[x] Uitlijning fixen, geen gekke nieuwe pagina's enzo op rare plekken (eindredactie)
[x] spellcheck new bits (or all?)
[x] Update main.bib
Regarding feedback from greenlight and definitive green light session:
[x] Rewrite summary
[x] fix and add certain references (Autodesk software, BHoM, summary, GS in introduction, ...)
[x] Process small feedback points
[x] Process all feedback points (of JC)
[x] Add names of participants to acknowledgements (notify them, ask if they are ok with being named)
[x] Conclusions and recommendations "verder inkorten en verscherpen"
Up to and including ToC:
[x] Write preface
[x] Write acknowledgements
[x] Add part about how the tool determines what is 'inside' and 'outside'
[x] Mention that a lower fitness value means a more efficient structure.
[x] Maybe add an image that displays the Solve Global Forces visualizations, and explain a bit in text? Now it's shown nowhere...
[x] Write section 'User experiment'
[x] Incorporate setup time, computation time, and optimization time EDIT 4/1: meh, laat maar zitten, is toch arbitrary
[x] Redo the case study part. Forces were other way around, biggest force was on edge joint instead of middle joint...
[x] Add data of last additions to UE
[x] Proofread and check 5.4
[x] Write Objectives
[x] Write out properly Limitations
[x] Add something about the imperfection of optimization in Limitations UPDATE: doen we niet meer, staat in ch4 nu.
[x] Check if points of 5.3 (main weaknesses/limitations according to users) and 5.4 (my evaluation/discussion of experiment) are properly incorporated here
Regarding feedback from greenlight and definitive green light session:
Up to and including ToC: