Flotype / now

NowJS makes it easy to build real-time web apps using JavaScript
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client not handshaken on computers outside the network #187

Open anchetaWern opened 12 years ago

anchetaWern commented 12 years ago

I'm trying to make now.js accessible on computers outside my home network via my external ip address. I've already setup the router for port forwarding to the ports that I have used. 8080 for php, 8081 for node.js

I have this on the back-end JavaScript file(chatserver.js) server.listen(8081, "");

I've also modified this line in the nowjs.js file into my external ip but still doesn't work. window.now = nowInitialize("//localhost:8081", {});

I'm trying out the chat server example from the site. It works fine when I access it via localhost and via my external ip on my laptop. But when somebody accesses it from the outside, they can still access the page but is unable to handshake. Where could the problem be?