Flotype / now

NowJS makes it easy to build real-time web apps using JavaScript
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Nowjs fails on install #195

Open ghost opened 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

When I'm installing nowjs in my computer (Windows 7). I write "npm install now" and it just throws an error. There's a part where it is saying "npm ERR! node-proxy@0.5.2 install: 'make' "

I think the problem is that it is running "npm install node-proxy"

and I think that it should be "npm install nodejs-proxy"

PS:Sorry about my poor English but I'm from Spain

steveWang commented 12 years ago

Try installing from the windows branch here on github -- npm install https://github.com/Flotype/now/zipball/windows should do what you want.

The problem is that node-proxy relies on a C++ extension, and so you generally can't install it without cygwin (or something -- I haven't used Windows for development in a while). In that branch, the binary's already compiled and ready to go.

meaku commented 12 years ago

I had a similar problem, caused by a missing compiler.. I just installed the build-essentials and everything worked fine!


steveWang commented 12 years ago

Eh, not quite the same -- chusb40 seems to be on Windows as opposed to Linux.

Also, a bit has changed in Node in the past year (native Windows support, esp).

meaku commented 12 years ago

I had this problem on linux, right.. But the first hint from @chusb40 is wrong.

ghost commented 12 years ago

I have finally solve this issue by manually putting all the files in the nodejs modules folder. But I have also try to install nowjs on an other computer (also Windows 7) and I'm just getting exactly the same error.

steveWang commented 12 years ago

Um. Did the command I posted earlier work?

andrecaribe commented 12 years ago

I get same problem on Mac OS X. For me it worked like this...

You need to install node-proxy before.

  1. Install node-gyp
  2. Download node-proxy zip file. See https://github.com/samshull/node-proxy
  3. Use node-gyp do compile node-proxy. See https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp
  4. Install now