Flotype / now

NowJS makes it easy to build real-time web apps using JavaScript
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No dev in six months. What is the future of NowJS? #208

Closed pygy closed 8 years ago

pygy commented 11 years ago

The last core update by the authors was six months ago, and the NowJS twitter account has been silent since the announcement of Bridge, their new project.

Is there any plan to continue the development?

goldfire commented 11 years ago

From what I understand, no, which is unfortunate considering how good it is.

alaa-eddine commented 11 years ago

I was also disapointed about that, mainly because I started using nowjs for one of my projects, so I decided to develop a new module with similar functionality to nowjs but using sockjs instead of socket.io.

here is the project repo : https://github.com/alaa-eddine/eureca

I made it close to nowjs logic to make migration simple. it's far from being as complete as nowjs at this stage, but the code is mutch simple and can be easily maintained. (It doesn't support groups)

pygy commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. The API looks cool, but it is missing express session handling which is a requirement for my app.

I can't get it to work with NowJS (I've read the related issues and tried the proposed solutions to no avail), that's why I was asking if there were any chance that the lib would be updated.

There's a dnode plugin for express sessions, I guess I'll use that. It is also based on SockJS. The API is a less freindly that now's but I think it'll do fine.

Edit: SockJS doesn't pass the cookie info for security reasons. The dnode-sessions plugin is for an older version of dnode, that used socket.io as a backend. Back to square one. Il'll probably whip up something on top of socket.io

goldfire commented 11 years ago

Yeah, we are actually using NowJS in production, so it was really disappointing to hear that support for this was getting dropped and that the API for Bridge was so dramatically different.

jameskeane commented 11 years ago

I will continue maintaining Now.js @ https://github.com/jameskeane/now

No worries :)

pygy commented 11 years ago

Cool, thank you for this :-)

jarble commented 11 years ago

@jameskeane Are there any plans to maintain the module? It appears that the repository hasn't been updated in the last four months.

tnewhook commented 11 years ago

@jameskeane - I'm planning a project, and would like to know if and how now is going to be maintained

wamatt commented 11 years ago

hmm, doesn't look like it

jameskeane commented 11 years ago

I wouldn't use now.js in production. There is simply no way to scale it.

It is fine for toys though. And is largely bug free, what kind of maintenance are you expecting? On Jan 4, 2013 12:52 AM, "Matt Tagg" notifications@github.com wrote:

hmm, doesn't look like it. @tnewhook https://github.com/tnewhook - sounds interesting :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Flotype/now/issues/208#issuecomment-11873220.

tnewhook commented 11 years ago

I'm just curious to know why it's not scalable. Does anyone know of any node plugins with similar functionality?

pygy commented 8 years ago

No dev in six months. What is the future of NowJS?

None, sadly.

wamatt commented 8 years ago

Sad indeed. Maybe the project could be renamed ThenJS? ;)