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NowJS makes it easy to build real-time web apps using JavaScript
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Implementing chat module by using Nowjs #213

Closed lavinachitara closed 11 years ago

lavinachitara commented 11 years ago

I am implementing chat module by using nowjs but its site is not working. I am not able to see its documents and all syntax.

Will you please suggest me that is It ok for going nowjs for implementing chat ?

If yes then how can I download its guide and full of syntax list to use in my module.

adamthedeveloper commented 11 years ago

Check out firebase.com - They even have an example chat application and they offer a free version up to 500 megs.

lavinachitara commented 11 years ago

But I have already started my module in Nowjs and now I am in a big stuff where I wanna call client side function in server side to show some output data on client side. If I tested on browser it will hit my client side but when I call it by mobile app it did not hit that function.

Can somebody help to sort out this issue.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I have emailed the contact address to see if they are dropping support on the project or if they know of anyone that is picking it up from there. I will try to notify others of what I find out if anything.

On Dec 28, 2012, at 12:40 AM, "lavinachitara" notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

But I have already started my module in Nowjs and now I am in a big stuff where I wanna call client side function in server side to show some output data on client side. If I tested on browser it will hit my client side but when I call it by mobile app it did not hit that function.

Can somebody help to sort out this issue.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Flotype/now/issues/213#issuecomment-11727721.

lavinachitara commented 11 years ago

My code in server.js

everyone.now.sayhi = function(my){ console.log(this.now.room); nowjs.getGroup(this.now.room).now.writeSayHi('hi all'); };

and I am accessing this on client side [which is in javascript in mobile app]


now.writeSayHi = function(msg_argument) { console.log('I am in writing say hi'); }

Getting error on server console

[TypeError: Property 'writeSayHi' of object # is not a function] TypeError: Property 'writeSayHi' of object # is not a function at everyone.now.sayhi (C:\node\nodechat\nodechat_server.js:235:37) at Socket.rfcHandler (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\lib\user.js:111:19) at Socket.EventEmitter.emit as $emit at SocketNamespace.handlePacket (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\node_modu les\socket.io\lib\namespace.js:335:22) at Manager.onClientMessage (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\node_modules\s ocket.io\lib\manager.js:487:38) at WebSocket.Transport.onMessage (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\node_mod ules\socket.io\lib\transport.js:387:20) at Parser. (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\node_modules\socket .io\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-07-12.js:40:10) at Parser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17) at opcodeHandlers.1.finish (C:\node\nodechat\node_modules\now\node_modules\s ocket.io\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-07-12.js:289:16) at Parser.opcodeHandlers.1.expectData [as expectHandler] (C:\node\nodechat\n ode_modules\now\node_modules\socket.io\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-07-12.js:30

Please help me to solve above issue. I want to call client side function on server in now namespace.

HardlyMirage commented 11 years ago

Declare writeSayHi above now.sayhi('hello')

lavinachitara commented 11 years ago

Thanks HardlyMirage, but I completed chat module completely for ios mobile :-) with group chat and one to one chat