Flow-Launcher / Flow.Launcher.Plugin.Everything

This is the Everything plugin for Flow Launcher.
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Add "Show context menu" #46

Closed jayeonsu closed 2 years ago

jayeonsu commented 2 years ago


I added Flow Laucnher context menu "Show context menu". Windows file/folder context menu is shown on pressing it. You can turn it on/off on the Plugins setting tab.

※ Languages translation has been applied only for English.

ShellContextMenu class is from https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/22012/Explorer-Shell-Context-Menu

jayeonsu commented 2 years ago

Hey there, thanks for the contribution, looks good overall, just a couple of small questions/changes:

  1. Since flow already has the concept of context menu, would it be more appropriate to call this 'Windows Context Menu'?
  2. ~Could you bump the version please in plugin.json for feature add~
  3. Just a quick note to save you couple of minutes, when adding language keys you don't need to add them to all language files if you don't have the translations, adding to en.xaml is enough because if a key is not found for the current language, en.xaml is the default fallback.
  1. I also think it would be cleaner to call it 'Windows Context Menu'.
  2. I see.