FlowForwarding / LINC-Switch

OpenFlow Software Switch written in Erlang
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Open Flow - aux connection : LINC don't follow guidelines regarding packet-in messages that are suggested in OF spec #329

Open alexandravlad opened 10 years ago

alexandravlad commented 10 years ago

Tested with Luxoft's Twister framework, OpenFlow 1.3.1 module. Topology: Have only one controller connected to one LINC switch(main connection + 3 auxiliary connections, TCP protocol). Test scenario:

  1. Make sure the connections are alive.
  2. Insert, on an auxiliary connection 3, a flow_mod that has as output:controller.
  3. Generate packet_in message that is hitting the rule (is matching the flow_mod from step 2).
  4. Expect the packet_in message, on controller, on the auxiliary connection number 3..

Result: The packet_in message is not received on the specific auxiliary connection(number 3); it is received on the auxiliary connection number 2. No log on LINC's console.

Please refer to the Functional Specification paragraph:

- All Packet-In messages spread across the various auxiliary connection using a mechanism keeping the packets of a same flow mapped to the same connection. ```