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Cannot Create Team after New Deployment to AWS #3966

Open gdziuba opened 1 month ago

gdziuba commented 1 month ago

Current Behavior

When deployed FlowFuse to AWS via the AWS Marketplace, I wasn't able to create a team after it started. I was able to fix this by restarting the the EC2 instance. Once restarted, the docker daemon wasn't running. Had to start that again and everything functioned as expected.

Here is an error message that I received after initializing the server and initiating the instance when loading my DNS info.

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Expected Behavior

When I created a team, I expected it to transition to the next step and allow me to create an instance.

Steps To Reproduce

Deploy from here: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-3ycrknfg67rug?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa#pdp-overview

Go through the traditional steps

I don't know if it is relevant, but I did have issues when creating a new password. I doubt that is relevant but thought I would share anyways.

Next, I was brought with a screen to create the team. Once creating a new team name and submitting, it didn't transition to the next screen.


Have you provided an initial effort estimate for this issue?

I can not provide an initial effort estimate

ZJvandeWeg commented 1 month ago

@hardillb Can you check this out?

hardillb commented 1 month ago

It really isn't clear what the error message you mean here. The following output is totally expected (but I admit we probably could hide it)

Waiting 30 seconds for startup

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You can then finish setting up your FlowForge instance at


Username: ff-admin

I've just tested the latest image and it runs just fine:

I didn't have to restart anything.

But the docker daemon is set to automatically start on boot, so it will start, but I have no idea how long you waited after restarting the instance.

hardillb commented 1 month ago

Yep, just restarted the EC2 instance and when I logged back in Docker was running, as were all the containers