Closed 20Koen02 closed 11 months ago
The ui-control node in Dashboard 1.0 enables us to switch between different pages (tabs) and show/hide groups.
Note: The ui_control
node should not reload the page when switching between tabs; it should function similarly to a page router in frameworks like React and Vue.js.
ui_control node features
we pass payload for switching one tab to another :
{ "tab":"tabname" }
we pass payload to hide and show group :
{"group": {"hide": ["groupname"], "show": ["groupname"]}}
Example of dashboard to understand the need of ui_control
node in node-red dashboard 2.0
Note - make sure you have installed node-dashboard 1.0****
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Dashboard 1.0 has a ui-control node that allows the user to control tabs, groups & widgets. For example, I would like to hide a group from within node-red
For dashboard 1.0 I used a payload like this:
{"group": {"hide": ["tab_name_group_name_with_underscores"], "show": ["reveal_another_group"]}}
Have you provided an initial effort estimate for this issue?
I am no FlowFuse team member