after the last commit 61e3c88, the foam_dataloader doesn't find the pre-computed cell centers and volumes anymore. I think the reason for this is the deletion of the backslash from CONSTANT_PATH = "constant/" to CONSTANT_PATH = "constant" (line 29, 30). In the method _centers_and_volumes_computed(self, path: str) the foam_dataloader checks if the files exist using isfile(path + "C") and isfile(path + "V"), which results in the path being "constantV" instead of "constant/V".
Changing isfile(path + "C") and isfile(path + "V") to isfile(join(path, "C")) and isfile(join(path, "V")) fixes the issue.
Hi @AndreWeiner,
after the last commit 61e3c88, the
doesn't find the pre-computed cell centers and volumes anymore. I think the reason for this is the deletion of the backslash fromCONSTANT_PATH = "constant/"
toCONSTANT_PATH = "constant"
(line 29, 30). In the method_centers_and_volumes_computed(self, path: str)
checks if the files exist usingisfile(path + "C") and isfile(path + "V")
, which results in the path being "constantV" instead of "constant/V".Changing
isfile(path + "C") and isfile(path + "V")
toisfile(join(path, "C")) and isfile(join(path, "V"))
fixes the issue.Regards, Janis