Flowaria / MTFO.Ext.PartialData

MTFO Extension Plugin for adding Partial DataBlock Loading
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worldcondition event conditionals not checked #1

Closed hirnukuono closed 9 months ago

hirnukuono commented 11 months ago

i was testing worldcondtiion type 19 stuff but unable to get anything to work in my test rundown. i have rundown, levellayout, wardenobjective, dimensiondata partialdata'ed, and on levellayout i have a terminal with uniquecommands to set and check conditionindex 1. all the indexes are default false unless true'd by type 19 event.

the check command should return only "is true" or "is false" (2 type 0 wardenintel events, conditioned), but.. the check always says "index 1 is true" followed by "index 1 is false", like it skips the condition check entirely.

tested the same terminal commands on levellayouts in other partialdata rundowns (modulation and interference) too, these have the same problem.

then i tested on geminate and frolic (no partialdata use), and on those it works like it should.

thanks very much for your work on gtfo modding, i appreciate.

worldcondition_check_set_unique_commands.txt worldcondition_partialdata_check_true_check worldcondition_nopartialdata_check_true_check

hirnukuono commented 9 months ago

some more debug done with CompiledPartialData folder and manual comparison:

the problem seems to only be in levellayoutdatablock -> block -> zones -> zone -> terminalplacements -> uniquecommands -> commandevents -> wardenobjectiveevent -> condition -> bool "isTrue". partialdata seems to set it to false always, making "must be true" conditional events impossible.

hirnukuono commented 9 months ago

reporter is an idiot who doesn't know what a capital I looks like in "IsTrue". skill issue: cannotfix.