FlowingCode / GridExporterAddon

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feat: implement concurrent export limit #125

Closed javier-godoy closed 3 weeks ago

javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The updates introduce concurrent download capabilities to the GridExporter in the flowingcode Vaadin addon. Key changes include upgrading dependencies in pom.xml, adding concurrency control via new classes like ConcurrentDownloadTimeoutEvent and ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter, and updating test files to validate these new features. The .gitignore file was also updated to exclude specific paths and files.


File(s) Change Summary
.gitignore Excluded paths and files such as /src/main/bundles, /vite.config.ts, and more.
pom.xml Upgraded grid-exporter-addon version to 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT and updated maven.compiler properties to 17.
src/main/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/ConcurrentDownloadTimeoutEvent.java Introduced ConcurrentDownloadTimeoutEvent class for handling download timeouts.
src/main/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter.java Added concurrency control with semaphore-based ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter.
src/main/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/GridExporter.java Updated GridExporter to support concurrent downloads and added relevant methods and constants.
src/test/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/GridExporterBigDatasetDemo.java Added imports and configuration for a Big Dataset demo with concurrent download settings.
src/test/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/VaadinServiceInitListenerImpl.java Implemented VaadinServiceInitListener to set concurrent download limits and timeouts.
src/test/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/test/ConcurrentExportTests.java Introduced tests for concurrent export functionality, including limits and timeouts.
src/test/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/ConfigurableConcurrentStreamResourceWriter.java Added configurable properties for cost and timeout in ConfigurableConcurrentStreamResourceWriter.
src/test/resources/META-INF/services/com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServiceInitListener Added implementation class VaadinServiceInitListenerImpl for Vaadin service initialization.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant GridExporter
    participant ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter
    participant VaadinSession

    User->>GridExporter: Initiate Download
    GridExporter->>ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter: Create Writer
    ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter-->>GridExporter: Writer Created
    GridExporter->>VaadinSession: Acquire Permit
    VaadinSession-->>GridExporter: Permit Acquired
    GridExporter->>ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter: Write Stream
    ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter-->>GridExporter: Stream Written
    GridExporter->>VaadinSession: Release Permit
    VaadinSession-->>GridExporter: Permit Released
    GridExporter-->>User: Download Complete


In the code where streams align,
GridExporter now shines,
With concurrency in its might,
Downloads flow day and night.
Maven's version climbed the hill,
And tests ensure it works with skill.


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javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai full review

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago
Actions performed Full review triggered.
javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai Analyze ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter in detail

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago

[!TIP] For best results, initiate chat on the files or code changes.

@javier-godoy, here's a detailed analysis of the ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter class based on the information available:


The ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter is an abstract class that implements the StreamResourceWriter interface. Its primary role is to add concurrency control to the process of writing stream resources, which is crucial for managing system resources effectively when multiple downloads are initiated concurrently.

Key Features and Methods

  1. Concurrency Control with Semaphore:

    • The class uses a semaphore to limit the number of concurrent stream writing operations. This ensures that the system does not get overwhelmed by too many simultaneous requests.
  2. Setting and Getting Download Limits:

    • setLimit(float limit): Allows setting a global limit for concurrent downloads.
    • getLimit(): Retrieves the current setting of the concurrent download limit.
  3. Timeout Handling:

    • getTimeout(): Each instance can have a timeout, which dictates how long a download operation should wait for a permit from the semaphore before timing out.
  4. Cost Management:

    • getCost(VaadinSession session): Determines the "cost" of a download based on the session, which can be used to dynamically adjust the semaphore permits according to the resource intensity of the session.
  5. Attachment Status:

    • isAttached(): Checks if the resource is still valid and attached, which is important for cleanup and managing resources efficiently.

Modifications in accept Method

Potential Improvements


The ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter class is a critical component in managing the concurrency of download operations in the GridExporter functionality. It effectively uses semaphores to control resource allocation, ensuring that the system's performance remains optimal even under high load.

If you need further details or specific code snippets from this class, please let me know!

javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai Describe in detail the algorithm implemented in accept(OutputStream stream, VaadinSession session) of ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago

[!TIP] For best results, initiate chat on the files or code changes.

@javier-godoy, here's a detailed breakdown of the algorithm implemented in the accept(OutputStream stream, VaadinSession session) method of the ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter class:


The accept method is designed to manage the concurrency of stream writing operations, ensuring that the system's resources are not overwhelmed by too many simultaneous download requests. It uses a combination of a semaphore for concurrency control and session-based cost calculations to manage resource allocation dynamically.

Detailed Algorithm

  1. Initial Check for Enabled State:

    • The method first checks if the concurrency control is enabled (if (!enabled)). If it is not enabled, it simply delegates the stream writing operation to another method (delegate.accept(stream, session)), bypassing the concurrency control logic.
  2. Concurrency Control:

    • If concurrency control is enabled, the method proceeds to the concurrency control block.
    • It calculates the "cost" of the current session using the getCost(session) method. This cost determines the number of permits required from the semaphore to proceed with the operation.
    • The method then enters a synchronized block on the semaphore to ensure thread safety during permit acquisition.
  3. Permit Acquisition:

    • Within the synchronized block, the method attempts to acquire the necessary permits from the semaphore. The number of permits is determined based on the calculated cost.
    • If the permits are acquired successfully, the stream writing operation proceeds. If not, it handles various exceptions such as InterruptedIOException and InterruptedByTimeoutException, which are thrown if the thread is interrupted or if the permit acquisition times out, respectively.
  4. Stream Writing Operation:

    • Once the necessary permits are acquired, the actual writing to the output stream is performed. This part of the code is not shown in the snippet, but typically, this would involve writing data to the OutputStream provided in the parameters.
  5. Exception Handling:

    • The method includes robust exception handling to manage IO errors (IOException), thread interruptions (InterruptedIOException), and timeouts (InterruptedByTimeoutException).


This method effectively integrates concurrency control with dynamic resource management, allowing the system to handle multiple concurrent download requests efficiently without degrading performance. The use of a semaphore synchronized on the session's cost ensures that resource allocation is both fair and efficient, adapting to the varying loads imposed by different sessions.

If you need further details or specific code snippets from other parts of this class, please let me know!

Analysis chain ---
Scripts executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Retrieve the implementation of the `accept` method in the `ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter` class. ast-grep --lang java --pattern $'class ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter { $$$ void accept(OutputStream stream, VaadinSession session) { $$$ } $$$ }' ``` Length of output: 161 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Use ripgrep to search for the 'accept' method in the 'ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter' class. rg "void accept\(OutputStream stream, VaadinSession session\)" -A 10 -B 10 --glob '*.java' ``` Length of output: 2819

Learnings used ``` User: javier-godoy PR: FlowingCode/GridExporterAddon#119 File: src/main/java/com/flowingcode/vaadin/addons/gridexporter/CsvStreamResourceWriter.java:77-93 Timestamp: 2024-06-05T20:11:58.436Z Learning: User javier-godoy requested to open a follow-up GitHub issue to discuss resource management in the refactored code of CsvStreamResourceWriter, highlighting the absence of try-with-resources in the previous implementation. ```
javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai Describe in detail the algorithm implemented in setLimit(float limit) method of ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago

[!TIP] For best results, initiate chat on the files or code changes.

@javier-godoy, here's a detailed breakdown of the algorithm implemented in the setLimit(float limit) method of the ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter class:


The setLimit method is designed to control the concurrency of download operations by setting a limit on the "cost" of concurrent downloads. This cost is a conceptual measure used to manage resource allocation during downloads.

Detailed Algorithm

  1. Parameter Validation:

    • The method starts by checking if the provided limit is zero or negative. If it is, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. This ensures that the limit is always a positive value, preventing logical errors in resource management.
  2. Handling Infinite Limits:

    • If the limit is set to Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, the method sets the enabled flag to false and returns immediately. This effectively disables the semaphore used for controlling concurrency, allowing an unlimited number of concurrent downloads.
  3. Enabling Concurrency Control:

    • If the limit is a finite positive number, the method proceeds to enable concurrency control. It does this by setting the enabled flag to true.
  4. Semaphore Synchronization:

    • The method then enters a synchronized block on the semaphore. This is crucial to ensure that changes to the semaphore's state are thread-safe, preventing race conditions when multiple threads attempt to update the concurrency settings simultaneously.
  5. Updating Semaphore Permits:

    • Within the synchronized block, the semaphore's permits are adjusted to reflect the new limit. This is not explicitly shown in the snippet, but typically, this would involve recalculating the number of permits based on the new limit.


The setLimit method provides a robust mechanism for managing the concurrency of download operations in the GridExporter functionality. By allowing the configuration of a limit on the cost of concurrent downloads, it ensures that the system can adapt to varying load conditions without compromising performance. The use of synchronization on the semaphore ensures that changes to the concurrency settings are safely applied across multiple threads.

If you need further details or have more questions, feel free to ask!

Analysis chain ---
Scripts executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Retrieve the implementation of the `setLimit` method in the `ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter` class. ast-grep --lang java --pattern $'class ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter { $$$ void setLimit(float limit) { $$$ } $$$ }' ``` Length of output: 132 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Use ripgrep to search for the 'setLimit' method in the 'ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter' class. rg "void setLimit\(float limit\)" -A 10 -B 10 --glob '*.java' ``` Length of output: 2694
javier-godoy commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai Describe in detail the algorithm implemented in costToPermits(float cost, int maxPermits) method of ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago

[!TIP] For best results, initiate chat on the files or code changes.

@javier-godoy, here's a detailed breakdown of the algorithm implemented in the costToPermits(float cost, int maxPermits) method of the ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter class:


The costToPermits method is designed to convert a given "cost" of a download operation into a number of semaphore permits required to proceed with that operation. This method ensures that resource allocation is managed based on the intensity (or cost) of the operation, with a cap on the maximum permits that can be allocated.

Detailed Algorithm

  1. Limit Restriction:

    • The method starts by ensuring that the cost does not exceed a predefined maximum (MAX_COST). This is done using Math.min(cost, MAX_COST), which adjusts the cost to MAX_COST if it originally exceeds this value.
  2. Permit Calculation:

    • The core of this method is to calculate the number of permits needed based on the adjusted cost. This calculation is performed by multiplying the cost by a fixed scaling factor (0x10000), which represents fixed-point arithmetic with 16 fractional digits and 15 integral digits. This allows for a fine-grained representation of cost values.
  3. Capping and Minimum Permits:

    • The calculated number of permits is then capped at maxPermits to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowed permits. This is done using Math.min((int) (cost * 0x10000), maxPermits).
    • Additionally, if the cost is zero or negative, the method returns zero permits, as no resources should be allocated for such cases. Conversely, any positive cost, no matter how small, requires at least one permit to ensure that every operation consumes some resources. This is ensured by Math.max(..., 1).


The costToPermits method effectively translates the conceptual cost of a download into a tangible number of semaphore permits, ensuring fair and efficient resource allocation. By using fixed-point arithmetic, the method allows for precise control over resource allocation, adapting dynamically to the cost of operations.

If you need further details or have more questions, feel free to ask!

Analysis chain ---
Scripts executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Retrieve the implementation of the `costToPermits` method in the `ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter` class. ast-grep --lang java --pattern $'class ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter { $$$ int costToPermits(float cost, int maxPermits) { $$$ } $$$ }' ``` Length of output: 151 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Use ripgrep to search for the 'costToPermits' method in the 'ConcurrentStreamResourceWriter' class. rg "int costToPermits\(float cost, int maxPermits\)" -A 10 -B 10 --glob '*.java' ``` Length of output: 2835
sonarcloud[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
No data about Coverage
0.0% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarCloud