FlowiseAI / Flowise

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[BUG] ChatGoogleVertexAI response with [object Object] #2275

Closed timur-nocodia closed 2 months ago

timur-nocodia commented 2 months ago

Flowise 1.6.6

ChatGoogleGenerativeAi stop to work for me - region is not supported (my country is supported by the way) and I decided to use ChatGoogleVertexAi.

I can't get responce from ChatGoogleVertexAi node. I have no errors in GCC logs.

I used json object (copy - paste from json file) as for my credential.


toi500 commented 2 months ago

You cant "get" an API Key for Gemini if you are in an unsupported country, correct (the EU and UK), but you can definitely use it.

I got my api key on the Gemini AI Studio site via a vpn and I am using it here, in an unsupported region, with no problem.

timur-nocodia commented 2 months ago

Yep, thanks. But the thing is that my country is supported and I can get api keys without vpn. But there is no clean answer if my Google Cloud Project location is the country of usage or actually an api call country? It is not clear. My Google Cloud Project is in EU i believe. Anyway, pure api key from ai studio still complaining about my country even it is supported.

toi500 commented 2 months ago

Ok, I figured out how this works.

I just tested my Gemini API key on a local server (IP from an unsupported region), and it does not work. This means that their API key only works if the service is hosted in a supported region, in my case, I have my Flowise instance running in the USA via Railway.

Also, it looks like that Google lifted the restriction of their API for end users. Weeks ago, even if you had the service running in the USA, an end user located in a unsupported region could not interact with the API, giving you an error message.

timur-nocodia commented 2 months ago

Thank you, it was very helpful. I will try to bypass this somehow, may by proxying calls.

HenryHengZJ commented 2 months ago

verified gemini and vertex ai working correctly: https://github.com/FlowiseAI/Flowise/issues/2365

feel free to re-open the issue if issue still persists