Admin can manage categories , can edit their information, view list of categories.
Basic Flow:
Admin can view list of Categories
Admin can Edit and Activate/Deactivate any particular Categories.
There can be multiple levels (Can be of 3 levels) of product categories. System should also accept 4 levels if client requires.
Products will be mapped at the last level.
Post Conditions:
Updated/activated/deactivated category should be reflected on the website under categories tree.
Acceptance Criteria:
supplier will decided from Master category which category should be the parent and which should be the child.
Admin should able to edit/activate/deactivate categories.
Any category which is edited should be reflected on the website.
Any category which is deactivated should be removed from the website.
There will be no product mapped to the parent level of categories. Means products will be mapped to the last level of category. (This will be covered under product management)
If category is deactivated, then it will not be seen on Front-end category tree. But it will not have any impact on the products within that category.
Products are mapped in parent categories. If we have to map with N level child categories, then we need do some changes .
We need all services which is require for reflecting data in elastic search.
Add categories in rethinkdb when we select website from filter.
If already category exist, ignore.
Edit Category - update category icon and description from dashboard
Set category hierarchy by doMenu
Created categories.json (path :
Set flag for manage cateogries on Homepage.
First added all categories in rethinkdb from elastic then display in listing from rethinkdb.
Special characters are not identify by the rethinkdb. Example : "Nutrition, Fitness & Wellness". Solve this issue. Use function "stringToSlug". (website-builder/src/views/Category/categoriesList.vue)
Displaying dynamic categories on homepage based on selected flag
Admin can manage categories , can edit their information, view list of categories.
Basic Flow:
Post Conditions:
Acceptance Criteria: