FlowzPlatform / Sprint-User-Story-Board

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While selecting new template, remove previous configuration settings of website. #143

Open gkumar9 opened 5 years ago

gkumar9 commented 5 years ago


---- If one template is chosen and after some time another template is chosen on the same website. files are overwritten but rethink configuration remains of the previous template. Hence, upon the new template selection, clean rethink configuration also.


-Functionality must be working.

User Story Description:

As a <customer>, i need a <contact us component> so that i can easily drag and build contact us page.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Business Use case - 1
  2. Business Use case - 2

Environment Applicable:

For Issue creation, please use below template and remove above template.

Issue Summary:


-Functionality must be working.

Issue Reproduce Steps:

1.Open URL.

Test Data:

Expected Result:

1.Component should work

Actual Result:

1. Component is not working.

Environment Details

- Windows desktop OS
- Windows Server OS
- Linux