FlowzPlatform / Sprint-User-Story-Board

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PDM - LocationId, Imprint Id, ChargeId #79

Closed Jignasha22 closed 6 years ago

Jignasha22 commented 6 years ago

We need unique Location Id,Imprint Color Id,Charge Id to display in response of PromoStandared API


-Functionality must be working.

User Story Description:

As a <customer>, i need a <contact us component> so that i can easily drag and build contact us page.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Business Use case - 1
  2. Business Use case - 2

Environment Applicable:

For Issue creation, please use below template and remove above template.

Issue Summary:


-Functionality must be working.

Issue Reproduce Steps:

1.Open URL.

Test Data:

Expected Result:

1.Component should work

Actual Result:

1. Component is not working.

Environment Details

- Windows desktop OS
- Windows Server OS
- Linux
nnpatel commented 6 years ago

Services are created for these three dependency, which will store the related info in DB and use it as LocationId, Imprint Id, ChargeId(as per called service) in response.

Jignasha22 commented 6 years ago

Done. moved to staging.