FluentLayout / Cirrious.FluentLayout

FluentLayout for Xamarin.iOS - sample uses MvvmCross
Microsoft Public License
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Add feature to support ToBottomMargin, ToTopMargin, ToLeftMargin, ToRightMargin #31

Closed sungcheng closed 8 years ago

sungcheng commented 8 years ago

@gshackles, thoughts?

munkii commented 8 years ago

This gets my vote FWIW :-) I am also starting to use the Margin LayoutAttributes. Also ReadableContentGuide and TopLayoutGuide as the SecondItem. Currently the SecondItem needs to be a UIView in FluentLayout

gshackles commented 8 years ago

You've got east and west mixed up here 😄


sungcheng commented 8 years ago

😁 that would explain why I get lost all the time. Ok will fix.

sungolo commented 8 years ago

@gshackles, PTAL.

simulator screen shot may 8 2016 6 19 39 pm