Flugblatter / flugblaetter_static

Test repo for building a local dev-version of a static page to implement typesense searche with the data extracted so far.
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include images #13

Closed cfhaak closed 2 months ago

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

sources could be IIIF of ÖNB or ARCHE – PI decides

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

Keep in mind that one or two documents stem from a third source.

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

Wienbibliothek und ÖNB

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

ask Dalibor to kindly provide an IIIF server with the local images from share

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

IIIF should be def the best solution. At least one of the sigantures is incorrect, some look very different and can't be found via a quick search, while others appear.

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

finally got access to the images need to transform them

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

mostly jpg, some png target: jp2

cfhaak commented 2 months ago
 for f in flugblätter_images_test/*.jpg; do convert $f -quality 0  ${f%.*}.jp2;  done

imagemagick should do the job …

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

some filenames contain whitespaces, get rid of them

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

used 'detox" to detox the filenames

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

some have other formats so

for f in `find flugblaetter_images_test -type f | grep -v jp2`;  do convert $f -quality 0  ${f%.*}.jp2; done
cfhaak commented 2 months ago

images are here https://iiif.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/iiif/images/todesurteile/17950903_StanislausHohenwart-LukasFrick-AntonHieronimusFranzel-JgnazJutz_e_wb.jp2/full/max/0/default.jpg

cfhaak commented 2 months ago

changed links in files test wise