FluidTYPO3 / fluidtypo3-development

FluidTYPO3 development helpers - test runners, coding standards sniffing, local git hook scripts
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fluid cache re-generation #4

Closed webloft closed 7 years ago

webloft commented 7 years ago

How do you clear & re-trigger the fluid cache generation? In TYPO3 8, I have the problem that I create a new ViewHelper it will not be recognized till I re-active my extension again. In TYPO3 7 it could be done by trigger the orange clear cache button in the backend.

I want to trigger it by code. Can you tell me which steps I have to take? thank you in advance.

NamelessCoder commented 7 years ago

This isn't really the place for that type of question - it's exclusively a TYPO3 CMS question, and this library contains continuous integration and development utilities for the FluidTYPO3 extension suite. And GitHub is not for support, it's for bug reports and code.

That said, there are two ways to fix your cache issue:

  1. Use composer class loading and do not dump your class loading with the -a or the -o flags as this will make a static class loading registry and you want a dynamic one (during dev at least).
  2. Flush the system cache (the red one, not the orange one) to regenerate non-composer class loading entries in TYPO3.

Or consider using the uncache extension to disable all caches on development.

But in the future please direct such questions to TYPO3 CMS either via stack overflow or the Slack channel.