But is allway an empty array. The image and media variables of contenElement are alway 0 and do not show the number of assigned media/image files.
renders all the assigned images but i can not find an way to access the images direct in the Main section. I want to display the first image in an separate div class. Hope this is the right place for such an question.
I'm using typo3 8.6 with flux 8.1
I worked around this issue by inspecting the data.tx_flux_parent attribute and it's corresponding pi_flexform content from within the textmedia main template file textmedia.html file.
Hi I try to access the images and media elements of textmedia child elemts in an flux grid. This is my config.
But is allway an empty array. The image and media variables of contenElement are alway 0 and do not show the number of assigned media/image files.
renders all the assigned images but i can not find an way to access the images direct in the Main section. I want to display the first image in an separate div class. Hope this is the right place for such an question.
I'm using typo3 8.6 with flux 8.1