FluidTYPO3 / flux

TYPO3 extension Flux: Dynamic Fluid FlexForms
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Problem with cached fluid template #88

Closed fabarea closed 11 years ago

fabarea commented 11 years ago

Perhaps related to recent Cache management change, I get some trouble whenever editing the page property (not the only action which raises this error) even after clearing all possible cache. Check out the error message. After investigation, I didn't notice the class was declared twice (what the error message says). I was wondering whether I have to change something on this file. Do you have an idea?

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FluidCache_speciality_Flux_action_index_9cf17683e0b74fed7b572d0191174046a1a747bd in /Users/fudriot/Sites/Ecodev/bootstrap.fab/htdocs/typo3temp/Cache/Code/fluid_template/Speciality_Flux_action_index_9cf17683e0b74fed7b572d0191174046a1a747bd.php on line 451
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0004  651376  {main}( )   ../alt_doc.php:0
2   0.5097  26266568    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController->main( )    ../alt_doc.php:59
3   0.5473  33136416    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController->makeEditForm( )    ../EditDocumentController.php:627
4   0.5740  34970832    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine->getMainFields( ) ../EditDocumentController.php:832
5   0.6468  36917848    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine->getSingleField( )    ../FormEngine.php:786
6   0.6488  36939488    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine->getSingleField_SW( ) ../FormEngine.php:1092
7   0.6488  36939488    TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine->getSingleField_typeUser( )   ../FormEngine.php:1204
8   0.6489  36940368    TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction( )  ../FormEngine.php:3030
9   0.8842  41723336    call_user_func_array ( )    ../GeneralUtility.php:4022
10  0.8842  41723416    Tx_Fluidpages_Backend_PageLayoutSelector->renderField( )    ../GeneralUtility.php:4022
11  1.0129  45104752    Tx_Flux_Service_FluxService->getStoredVariable( )   ../PageLayoutSelector.php:98
12  1.0147  45113600    Tx_Flux_MVC_View_ExposedTemplateView->getStoredVariable( )  ../FluxService.php:178
13  1.0149  45114008    Tx_Flux_MVC_View_ExposedTemplateView->getParsedTemplate( )  ../ExposedTemplateView.php:81
14  1.0153  45114488    TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Compiler\TemplateCompiler->get( )  ../ExposedTemplateView.php:121
15  1.0153  45114696    TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Frontend\PhpFrontend->requireOnce( )   ../TemplateCompiler.php:56
16  1.0153  45114696    TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\FileBackend->requireOnce( )    ../PhpFrontend.php:82
NamelessCoder commented 11 years ago

Hi Fabien,

Just a few minutes ago I merged a PR from Björn which should fix this issue. If you pull and truncate typo3temp caches if should go away :)

bjo3rnf commented 11 years ago

Hi Fabien,

are you by chance on a OSX with case insensitive filesystem?

Cheers Björn

fabarea commented 11 years ago

Great! It fixes the problem. Noticed the patch related to case sensitiveness. Yes, I on Mac OS.